mercredi 31 août 2016

Can't enable swap. Please help

I'm using s5282. Build is XXANF3.
I am using stock rom. I have root and busibox installed.
My default kernel doesn't support swap so I tried some of custom kernel given here which say it support swap.
Kernel I tried-
1) basic kernel by corphish - after flashing it I can see the basic kernel logo but I can't enable swap

2) zapdos v5 by corphish - again I can see the zapdos logo and but no swap support

3) a kernel by aakarsh99- but with no success.

For swapping I am using simple root swap. I granted it root access then I created a swap file of 200 mb. I can see the file in sd card. Then I checked auto start and finally hit the ON button. But in info it shows all values 0. I also tried rebooting but no success.

I am using cwm for flashing files.

What I am doing wrong?

Sent from my GT-S5282 using Tapatalk

from xda-developers

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